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25 blog ideas - so you'll never run out of blogging topics again

updated on February 05, 2025
A person writes on a laptop
Siegfried Ferlin
Author: Siegfried Ferlin

Owner & Managing Director of ithelps Digital. Since 2013, he has been deeply engaged in SEO and online marketing.

Are you looking for new blog ideas? In this article, I'll show you 25 ways to keep coming up with fresh blog ideas. And the best thing is: they work for us week after week. For years.

Do you know the feeling? It's time for a new blog article and you're short of ideas. But don't worry, you're not alone. Every blogger faces this challenge at some point.

What do successful bloggers do? They research, brainstorm and ask questions - they simply don't give up. Others, on the other hand, procrastinate, sit back and wait for inspiration. This is a classic mistake that often leads to failure, as numerous failed blogs prove.

But you're not one of them, because you actively looked for solutions and found my article - great!

I've put together the best blog ideas for us. So, let's waste no time and take a look at the top 25 ideas.

Finding blog ideas

As I don't know what the topic of your blog is and what niche you're in, I obviously can't offer you any ready-made topics and headlines.

But I can show you how to solve your writer's block yourself.

So before I present you with a list of suggestions and topics, let's take a look at how you can come up with good blogging ideas yourself.

The following 10 tips will help you with this. At least they have been tried and tested by the content team at our search engine optimisation agency in Vienna.

1. Find blog topics on Google

Are you currently working on a topic and googling it? Then document your "search query". If you search for it, it's highly likely that others will too.

While I was researching for this article, for example, I kept coming across the terms "create editorial plan" and "content planning".

I immediately added these two search terms (keywords) to my list of blog article ideas. In due course, I will research the topics and write a detailed blog article about them.

Tip: Document your own research. If you're interested in a topic, others will be too. Make a note of anything you think might be an interesting idea for a blog post. Don't think too much about it, you can always research and sort it out later.

Which leads us straight to the second tip.

2. Keep a list of blog topics

As we write and publish a blog article every week in our company, we naturally have to make sure that we don't run out of ideas when blogging.

For this reason, we keep a list of ideas for blog topics in which every employee can write down their suggestions.

Whenever someone comes up with a good idea, they add it to the list. Sometimes it's just keywords, sometimes it's rough thoughts and suggestions, other times it's questions and topics that are brought to us from outside.

If I then need an idea for our blog, I first look in the list to see which topic fits in with our current focus.

3. Actively take questions from your customers and readers

Listen carefully when your customers ask you something. We were often asked the question about "Trade law, social security and taxes for bloggers".

We immediately included the topic in one of our blog articles.

If you're interested, click here to go directly to the section in the blog post: Trade law, social insurance & taxes

4. Questions from colleagues or employees

Blog ideas can also be found in your own company or environment.

Make a note of questions that come up in meetings or in your day-to-day work. Add them to the blog topic list mentioned earlier.

In this case too, if your team, colleagues or employees are interested, it stands to reason that others (your readers) will be interested too.

You can achieve a positive side effect if the person who asks the question is also the one who researches the topic in detail and writes the blog post.

Of course, this only applies to companies. If you are a lone fighter, you can utilise the learning effect for yourself.

By the way: It is generally a good idea for everyone in the company and involved in projects to read the company blog regularly.

  • To learn
  • To get to know and appreciate the work of other colleagues
  • To be up to date
  • To be able to answer any questions from customers themselves
  • To be able to have a say
  • Etc.

5. Actively ask for blog ideas

The next thing you can do if you run out of topics: Ask your customers, readers or newsletter subscribers what they are interested in.

You'll be amazed at the response you get when you involve them in the idea generation process.

Not only will you get to know the real questions of your customers and readers. You also build a strong relationship of trust between you and your community.

Imagine the reaction when you respond to the exact question of some of your readers in your next blog post and answer it in detail.

So, if I were your reader, I would have the feeling that you were answering me directly. I would feel addressed. And if I wasn't already, I'd sign up to your newsletter list right now at the latest.

Other ways to find interesting topics for blogs

6. Topic ideas from trade journals

There is now an online or print magazine for every niche topic. Why don't you go to a newsagent and look through the headlines of these magazines, maybe you'll find an idea or two for yourself.

7. Current topics as blog ideas

Pick up on current topics in your industry. For example, when I wrote this article, iCloud and security was a hot topic on the radio, in magazines and in the news (private photos of celebrities stolen, iCloud hacked).

If you pick up on a topic quickly enough, you can look forward to higher visitor numbers from Google.

Tip: Set up Google Alerts and be notified of the latest news by email. This will keep you one step ahead of your competitors.

8. Read other blogs and collect blog topics

Read other blogs from other bloggers on relevant topics. Spy. Let yourself be inspired.

This has several advantages.

You learn from others and you can pick up on topics and add to them.

A good tip is also to look at blogs from other countries such as the USA. For example, I read all of Neil Patel and Brian Dean's blog articles on online marketing and SEO .

Tip: Look for the market leaders and influencers in your industry at home and abroad, consume their blog articles and let them inspire you with new ideas for your blog.

9. YouTube as a source of ideas

YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google. You can find the right information in the form of videos on almost any topic.

Search for videos from your industry. Watch them and take notes as you do so. Collect keywords, ideas and suggestions and add them to the blog topic list from point 2.

Tip: Sort the search results not only by relevance, but also by upload date. This way, you are always up to date.

10. Recycle older blog articles or combine them into one mega article

Older blog articles are often no longer up to date or simply not good enough.

Times are changing. And so do the framework conditions, people's tastes and reading habits as well as the requirements for being found well in search engines.

The article you're reading right now is a good example of this. It was originally created in 2014. What was good back then is no longer good today. That's why I decided to remodel it, add to it and redesign it.

Tip: Go through your older blog posts and see whether they are still up to date and whether you can perhaps make them better by updating them.

Those were some tips on how to collect blog ideas.

But now comes the best part.

Florian Prohaska im Business-Outfit - Co-Founder von ithelps

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Florian Prohaska - Co-Founder

Möchtest du mehr Kunden über das Internet gewinnen? Wir können helfen!

  • SEO: Sichtbarkeit und qualifizierten Traffic durch gezielte SEO-Strategien
  • Google Ads: Effektive Werbekampagnen für maximalen ROI.
  • Webdesign: Professionelles Design, das deine Besucher beeindruckt.
  • Webshops: Individuelle Lösungen für erfolgreiche Online-Shops.
  • Content-Erstellung: Wertvolle Inhalte, die Interessenten überzeugen.

EXPERT TIP for finding new blog topics:

Do you know "AwnserThePublic"?

It's a great keyword research tool that helps you find the questions and search terms Google users are searching for, which you can then use to write new blog articles.

It is very easy to use.

  • Step 1: Enter your keyword (topic you want to write about).
  • Step 2: Select your target country.
  • Step 3: Click on "Get Questions".
  • Step 4: Choose your new blog topic from the results.
  • Step 5: Research the search volume.
  • Step 5: If there are enough search queries, write a blog post.

I'll show you how to research the search volume in a moment. The video below explains how to find out the search volume with the Google Keyword Planner. I'll then show you how it also works without an AdWords account.

Video tutorial: How to find loads of new ideas for your blog with AWNSERTHEPUBLIC

I promised to show you how to research the search volume of a keyword without an AdWords account.

Here we go:

How to research whether there is enough search volume (search queries on Google) for your blog idea

The best blog idea is useless if no one is searching for it. Therefore, before you start writing your blog post, you need to find out whether it's even worth it.

In the previous video, you saw how you can use "awnserthepublic" to find loads of new ideas for your blog plus research search volume with the Google Keyword Planner. You need an AdWords account for this.

I'll now show you how to get the same results without having to create an AdWords account.

How to research the search volume of your blog idea without a Google AdWords account

  • Step 1: Go to the UBERSUGGEST page
  • Step 2: Enter your keyword in the search mask
  • Step 3: Select your target country
  • Step 4: Click on LOOK UP
  • Step 5: Look at the result

Here is a screenshot:

screenshot der Webseite von ubersuggest

Now that you've found out that enough people are interested in your topic, nothing stands in the way of a new blog post.

Now let's take a look at how you can present your ideas.

The best way to present your blog ideas

Finding and collecting blog ideas is one thing. Putting them into a suitable format and turning them into a good blog article is the second challenge.

I've put together the best and most popular ideas for this too.

Popular blog ideas

1. The guide

Are you an expert in your field? Then write a "How to..." article.

Instructions are always in demand. They show the searcher how something works or can be done and increase or consolidate your expert status.

Example: How to start a blog - in just 7 simple steps

2. List posts

List posts are also very popular. They are relatively easy to create and easy for readers to consume.

Example: 23 surefire tips for more visitors to your blog

3. The leaderboard

Show your readers rankings. People like reviews and you save them having to search for them themselves.

Example: Best SEO agency in Austria - Who are the best?

4. The case study

You have probably already gained some special experience in your field. Let your readers participate and present them with a case study.

Explain how you were able to achieve special results through certain measures.

Here is an example: How Buffer Grew Their YouTube Channel by 59% in 30 Days (Step-By-Step Case Study)

5. The checklist

Checklists of all kinds are also very popular. They are often saved in favourites and shared on social media.

6. The freebie

Offer a document, graphic or software for download and describe the great added value and benefits in a blog article.

Example: The latest OnPage SEO checklist - PDF for download

7. The infographic

A picture says more than 1000 words. Create an infographic. These are very popular and are often shared.

All you need to do is write a few introductory words and include the infographic in the post.

Example: How to write the perfect blog article - 15 simple steps [infographic]

8. The interview

Interview an expert on a topic and publish the interview as a blog article.

You can also record the interview on video and embed it on your blog with the interviewee's consent.

9. The video

Find a video that fits your topic (e.g. on YouTube), embed it in your blog post and discuss it from your point of view.

You can also be controversial.

10. The link post

Write a post and link to relevant blogs and blog articles by other bloggers. Mention why you like the linked article.

SEO tip: Also remember to link to your own content in order to offer readers as much added value as possible and keep them on your own site for as long as possible. This increases the length of stay and sends a positive signal to Google.

11. The survey

Publish the results of a customer, reader or member survey on your blog and explain the findings.

Tip: Use a survey post to collect new blog ideas. Ask your readers which topics they are interested in or which questions you can still answer for them.

12. Reviews and presentation articles

Do you have a favourite book? Or have you recently bought a product or used a service?

Discuss it in a blog post and share your experiences with your readers.

13. Background information, stories from your industry

Tell the story of your industry or of products or tools that were used in the past compared to today.

14. Prejudices in your industry

Almost every industry struggles with prejudices or false half-knowledge.

Pick up on these topics and write about them.

For example: SEOs and online marketers are hard to reach and unfriendly.

We at ithelps are exactly the opposite. We are an extremely friendly online marketing agency and are (almost) always available for our customers.

15. A look behind the scenes

Show how you work. How you keep your knowledge up to date, how you organise yourself. These blog posts are usually very interesting for your readers and are often very popular.

That's a total of 25 blog ideas to help you when you're once again not sure what to blog about.

But I wouldn't be me if I didn't have 2 extra bonus tips for you.

Bonus tip 1 for finding topics

New blog ideas in 10 seconds

To do justice to this title, proceed as follows:

  • Step 1: Enter the following line into Google: site:gutefrage.net Keyword (Replace the word keyword with the topic area your blog deals with).
  • Step 2: Find an interesting question from the search results and research whether there are enough search queries for it.
  • If this is the case, write an article about it.

Simple and effective.

Bonus tip 2 for finding topics

Another quick tip for coming up with blog ideas: Quora

  • Step 1: Sign up for Quora (free of charge).
  • Step 2: Enter your topic in the search mask.
  • Step 3: Choose an interesting topic from the search results.
  • Step 4: Research the search volume on Google with Ubersuggest.
  • Step 5: If the search volume is high enough, write a blog post.

That's it!

Now it's your turn.

Blogging is work. Hard work that you will not be spared if you want to achieve something with your blog.

But with the right blog ideas and the necessary stamina, you'll succeed in turning your blog into a source of inspiration for your readers. And a visitor magnet for you and your company.

More interesting links on the topic of "Blog ideas":

61 content formats you can use to make your blog colourful & varied

Corporate blog: Guide for companies

The 5 most important blog topics for companies

Any questions?

If you have any further questions on the topic or would like professional support, feel free to get in touch with us. Send an email to office@ithelps-digital.com, call us at +43 1 353 2 353, or reach out for us on our contact page.

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